Does Drinking Coffee Before Blood Tests Affect The Results?



Getting a Blood Test -€“ Tips You Should Know

Common blood tests like the comprehensive metabolic panel can only be accurate if abstinence from either food or beverages such as coffee is made for a number of hours. Blood glucose can increase when coffee containing caffeine is taken and this can affect the correctness of the results.

How do people prepare themselves for a medical test? As every test is not the same, you ought to look towards your medical practitioner on how you can get ready for a blood test. How can the drinking of coffee before going for a blood test affect its results? Coffee can affect your metabolism, your blood as well as the results of your blood test. To avoid an inaccurate result, only water should be permitted for particular tests.

Beverages and Food

Coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks and nuts contain caffeine. There is even a slight amount of caffeine in ‘€œdecaffeinated’€ soft drinks. Compared to a cup of regular coffee which has 140 mg of caffeine, the same cup of ‘decaffeinated’€ coffee has 5 mg. Caffeine which is not taken from seeds, plants or fruits but man-made, synthetic caffeine is available in the form of pills and these are put into beverages and food.

Caffeine Can Affect Blood Glucose Levels

There are a number of ways your blood can be affected by caffeine. Blood tests are used to find out about blood flow, blood pressure, blood cell quality, blood cell concentrations, percentage, variety and their numbers. In approximately 35 minutes, caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream where it stays for about three hours, during which time it affects the blood and increases blood glucose levels and affects blood test results.

Did You Know Coffee – Video Guide


Tests together with Guidelines

Below are several blood tests commonly done, with guidelines for 8 – 12 hours of fasting before a blood test.

Mono -€“ Mononucleosis is a viral infection. NO fasting prior to the test.

Lyme Disease – Lyme Antibodies IgM/IgG or Lyme Antibodies Detection is for Lyme disease exposure. NO fasting.

Lipid Profile -€“ This test is for artery hardening, blockage of blood vessels, stroke and coronary heart disease. No beverages and food prior to test. Only water allowed.

HIV Antibody – Human Immunodeficiency Virus is for HIV infection. NO fasting.

Glucose Fasting Blood Sugar is for hypoglycaemia, pre-diabetes, diabetes, and blood sugar level. Fast for 8 to 12 hours before the test. Avoid caffeine during the fast.

Electrolytes – Electrolyte Panel is for electrolyte and fluid balance. NO fasting.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel for blood proteins, blood glucose, electrolyte and acid-base balance, liver and kidneys. A fast of 10 – 12 hours before the test may be necessary.

Complete Blood Count (CBC) -€“ CBC (Hemogram) for exposure to toxic substance, infections or anemia, and general health. NO fasting.

BMP – Basic Metabolic Panel for kidney disease and diabetes. A fast of 10 – 12 hours before the test is necessary.

AIC -€“ Glycohemoglobin or Hemoglobin A1C for prediabetes and diabetes. NO fasting.

Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (Aptt) – Aptt taken before a surgical procedure to know the chances of the patient having too much bleeding. NO fasting.

ANA – Antinuclear Antibody test for autoimmune diseases, polymyosistis, and lupus. NO fasting.

Amylase -€“ Pancreatic disease and pancreatitus disorder. NO fasting.

Discuss with your medical practitioner to know how far can test results be affected by drinking coffee prior to a blood test. If you are told to avoid food and beverages before a test, no coffee, with or without caffeine should be taken.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***