The Best Diabetes Diets (According to the Research).



Top Rated Diabetes Diet Overall

An essential way to diabetes management is diet. Overweight or obese people can avoid getting type 2 diabetes if they achieve weight loss. So, the experts looked at 28 of the best diabetes diets and ranked them according to their ability to prevent as well as manage diabetes.

The top position is shared by the Biggest Loser Diet and an eating plan which is approved by the U.S. government, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH.

Biggest Loser Diet

Exercise and healthy meals are the main concerns of Biggest Loser Diet. Together with the DASH diet, it took the top position as the best for preventing or managing diabetes. Overall, it is considered ideal for both objectives.


DASH, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is also ranked number one of all the diets evaluated. The diet stresses on vegetables, fruits and grains and this is what doctors usually recommend that their diabetic patients eat.

Engine 2 Diet

The Engine 2 diet was given 3.5 stars which were also given to four other diets. So, it shared the third placing with four others.The plan can be used to help dieters lose weight and therefore, it is good for the prevention of diabetes as being overweight is one of a number of major diabetes risk factors. It includes a fitness program which is essential to the control and prevention of diabetes.

Flexitarian Diet

The Flexitarian diet is tied to the above diet for third place. It removes meat and this results in less calories consumed. Loss of weight and maintaining a lighter body is key to prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet – The fitness suggestions and the guidelines for food ensure the prevention or control of diabetes. It teaches people following the diet to instill lasting healthy habits with foods they ought to eat, avoiding those that can bring undesirable effects.

Ornish Diet

For the control or prevention of diabetes, the Ornish diet was also given the third place in the diabetes category. Cholesterol and saturated fat is limited in this diet and this is inline with the American Diabetes Association’s guidelines. That it can control blood glucose well is certain as it can bring diabetics’ A1c levels down

Vegan Diet

For diabetes management, some experts claim that the Vegan Diet is a good choice. It can be used for the prevention of diabetes since it helps to reduce weight and so, removes a risk factor of diabetes.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The Anti-Inflammatory diet which is similar to the Mediterranean type of diet can undo some risk factors for diabetes. So, it got seventh place for diabetes prevention and control. It probably lost to the first seven diets because the experts found that protein content in the diet is a little too high.

Mediterranean Diet

This diet also gets fairly good marks in the control and prevention of diabetes. Studies indicate that this diet may remove risk factors of diabetes such as those brought by the metabolic syndrome.

Vegetarian Diet

Experts believe this vegetarian diet can control or prevent diabetes. After all, if correctly followed, it stresses on foods which every American should consume to be healthy.


It is possible to control or prevent diabetes with this diet since it assists those people on the diet to lose weight and maintain the new weight which, of course, is beneficial as a main cause of type 2 diabetes is being overweight.

Diabetic Diet and Carbohydrates -Video Guide


This is another diet which helps to combat diabetes by reducing the weight of the dieters and improving their health, regardless of whether they have diabetes or not. It was ranked twelfth in the diabetes category.

TLC Diet

The experts felt that this Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet can help control or prevent diabetes although there was no good evidence to prove it. So, it tied with the Traditional Asian Diet and Slim-Fast for the twelfth place.

Traditional Asian Diet

Like the above two diets, it was placed twelfth in the diabetes category for the control and prevention of the condition. Since it does help to reduce weight, it ought to be able to improve the health of the people using the diet.

Macrobiotic Diet

The macrobiotic diet was found to be only moderately effective in the control and prevention of diabetes. Many experts did not believe the diet was easy to follow. However, for those who can follow, the diet helps to lose some weight and maintain the new weight and that is beneficial.

Weight Watchers

The experts believe this diet gives insufficient evidence that it can control and prevent diabetes. Here, it received its lowest marks. However, the diet is effective in reducing weight and this can be useful in the management or prevention of diabetes.

Jenny Craig

A diet which helps a person to lose weight will also help the person to avoid diabetes. A person who takes up the diet will be assigned to a “€œdiabetes diet expert”€ who create a daily meal plan suitable for the particular person. However, the experts were no convinced and gave scores which only put it in the seventeenth spot.

Flat Belly Diet

This diet stresses on monounsaturated fatty acids to get blood glucose levels in the safe range as well as control insulin. Unfortunately, it did not impress the experts and it got a lower than average score. They thought further clinical evaluation has to be carried out.

Abs Diet

There was no study on the the diet’€™s effect on diabetes. Nevertheless, the “€œpower foods”€ in the program have the backing of studies which have suggested that they can help to prevent diabetes. So, according to the experts, it is not strongly recommended for prevention or management of diabetes.

Glycemic-Index Diet

The glycemic-index diet may have been specially designed to assist diabetics to get their blood glucose levels under control but, to the experts, it did not seem like an attractive choice for the prevention and management of diabetes.


Nutrisystem with its company-sponsored diabetes study could not convince the experts of its effectiveness in the control or prevention of diabetes. (The expert did not actually evaluate Nutrisystem D which is the diabetic track of the company. However, there is no marked difference between it and the adult plans of the company.)


Without taking into consideration the company’€™s plans for diabetes which is available in the market, experts were not convinced that Medifast’€™s adult program is effective in controlling and preventing diabetes.

Raw Food Diet

The diet was given lower than average marks. However, it received better scores in weight loss as reducing weight and maintaining the new weight would certainly assist by lessening risk factors for diabetes.


Several experts believed that this diet can assist to control or prevent diabetes with its noticeable weight loss. However, that was insufficient to give it high scores and one expert pointed out that the amount of saturated fat in the Atkins diet may raise the possibility of suffering from type 2 diabetes.


The Eco-Atkins diet got very low scores as an assistant in the management or prevention of diabetes. There was no evidence to show that it can either prevent or control the disease.

South Beach Diet

The experts do not consider t an effective measure to control or prevent diabetes. However, since it can assist in reducing weight, it is also possible that it can prevent type 2 diabetes or lessen its severity.

Zone Diet

The experts are of the view that the Zone Diet has hardly any effect in the controlling and preventing of diabetes. The above diets are much better at assisting dieters in managing diabetes.

Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet was deemed to be the least effective in controlling or preventing diabetes. There was no research to prove its effectiveness.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***