Top-Rated Diets Overall : Biggest Loser Diet.



Best Diabetes Diet

Type: Balanced.

The objectives: Weight loss, reversal or prevention of disease.

The claim: Healthy food for six weeks together with exercise is sure to bring weight loss. This weight loss will improve the immune system, enhance heart health, reduce the possibility of getting Alzheimer’s, dementia and cancer, reverse or prevent diabetes.

The theory: Most people consume the wrong foods. Insufficient right foods are consumed and we are too sedentary.

The obvious solution: Have regular meals which stress on getting calories from whole grains, lean protein, vegetables and fruits. Have control over the size of your meals and be active.

Can diabetes be prevented or controlled by it?

The method is usually considered the right way of consuming food for preventing or controlling diabetes.

Prevention: One of many major risk factors for type 2 diabetes is being overweight. If there is weight loss and you can maintain the new weight, you can be sure diabetes will not be able to catch up with you. Records from Biggest Loser indicate that some participants of the program do not have metabolic syndrome any longer. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders which can multiply your risks for stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Control: Researchers of the American Journal of Medicine study informed that, by the seventh month, the participants of the study had their levels of A1C reduced. The A1C is a measurement of glucose in the blood. Although the guidelines of this diet are similar to those of the ADA (American Diabetes Association), you are allowed to make some changes to your meals as well as your exercise where necessary so as to accommodate the advice of your doctor.

Does it have cardiovascular benefits?

It certainly has cardiovascular benefits. Records reveal that overweight participants reduced their triglycerides, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol while triglycerides is the fatty substance which, when there is too much of the substance, can lead to heart disease. The participants also increased their level of HDL cholesterol which is the good cholesterol.

However, not all participants have the same experience. If you are not as fat as some of the other participants, your loss of weight may be be so dramatic. The Biggest Loser method is similar to the present medical people’s agreement on the making of a heart-healthy plan. It uses a lot of whole grains, lean protein, vegetables and fruits but very little of added sugar and saturated fat. Exercise is a necessary, essential part of the Biggest Loser program.

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Are there any health risks?

Most probably none..

Is it within the government’€™s dietary guidelines?

Fat: With the program’€™s 25 % limit of your daily calories from fat, it can be said to be at the lower level of the recommendation by the government which places it from 20 – 35 % fat. The program only allows a maximum 5 % from saturated fat while the government’€™s limit is double, at 10 %.

Protein: With a 30 % limit to each day’€™s total calories, it is within the recommended range of the government.

Carbohydrates: At a 50 % limit to each day’€™s total calories, it certainly is within the government’€™s recommendations.

Salt:Most Americans consume an excessive amount of salt. The suggested maximum for each day is 2,300 milligrams. However, if you are above 50 years of age, African-American, or is suffering from chronic kidney disease, diabetes or hypertension, the limit is a low 1,500 milligrams. For this diet, the limit is slightly higher, at 2,900 milligrams.

Other important nutrients: The 2010 Dietary Guidelines names them “€œnutrients of concern”€ due to the fact that most Americans either lack one nutrient or have an excessive amount of another.


  • Fiber: If you, an adult, eat between 22 – 34 grams a day, which is the recommended amount, it assists by making you feel sufficiently satiated and your digestion will be much better. In this diet, the amount is 31 grams each day which is close enough to the maximum fiber recommended.
  • Potassium: The 2010 Dietary Guidelines states that enough intake of potassium can lessen the possibility of getting kidney stones, reduce bone loss, and overcome the ability of salt to increase blood pressure. However, it is difficult to get sufficient potassium, the recommended 4,700 mg. for each day, from food. Even with bananas, which contains a lot of potassium, you will need 11 bananas a day to have enough. Most American get too little of this nutrient. The Biggest Loser’€™s sample menu contains only 3,500 milligrams. Although it is less than what is recommended, it is probably more than the amount taken by most Americans.
  • Calcium: It is important for the building and maintenance of bones. Besides this, it is necessary for the proper functioning of muscles and blood vessels. Most Americans do not take enough calcium. Women and people above the age of 50 ought to make sure they get between 1,000 – 1,300 milligrams. each day as this is the recommendation of the government. This diet does not give the exact amount you should take.
  • Vitamin B-12: Adults ought to aim for 2.4 micrograms each day. This nutrient is essential for cell metabolism. The Biggest Loser’€™s sample menu suggests more than 200 % the government’€™s recommendations.
  • Vitamin D: Adults need 15 micrograms of calcium each day from the sun, with a supplement or food to reduce their risk of fracturing a bone. 15 micrograms of daily calcium is the government’€™s recommendation. The Biggest Loser’s sample menu is a short of this goal. However, you can meet the suggested amount with some vitamin D from fortified cereals and low-fat dairy.
  • Are supplements recommended? No, they are not but a representative for Biggest Loser concede that supplements such as fish oil’€™s omega-3, vitamin D, calcium, and multivitamin may be used if the participants think they cannot have enough of the nutrients, possibly because they hardly eat fish and dairy food.


*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***