Type 2 Diabetes Diet Tips.



Eating The Right Foods

It is a known fact that eating the right food is important to the proper management of type 2 diabetes. Eating the right food is the way to ensure the blood glucose level of a diabetic is within the normal range. However, that is not to say that there is such a thing as a perfect diet as lifestyle differences exist.

Blood Glucose Control

When the body cannot produce sufficient insulin, it’€™s a health problem known as type 2 diabetes. With blood glucose not absorbed into the cells, the level of blood glucose gets too high to cause tiredness, poor vision, the urge to eat too much, thirst and frequent urination.

A diabetic’€™s range of normal blood glucose is between 70 – 130 mg/dL prior to a meal and 180 mg/dL or less two to three hours after the meal, according to the ADA( American Diabetes Association). A blood sugar monitor is used by diabetics to measure their blood sugar levels. With the result obtained, it is possible for the diabetics’€™ diet and medication to be adjusted to get the range set by the American Diabetes Association. (see ADA-ACE Recommended Blood Glucose Number)


Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With Diet – Video Guide


Low-Sugar Diet for Diabetics

It is the speed with which sugar move into the bloodstream and raise blood sugar levels that causes it to be regarded as the food for diabetics to avoid. However, sugar in the form of candy is put within reach of a diabetic in case of hypoglycemia as it can assist to raise the blood sugar level then. In fact, it is not just sugar that can raise blood glucose levels fast; simple carbohydrates are just as fast. Another thing type 2 diabetics must eat less is fat. So, a balance diet with no sugar, less simple carbohydrates and fats is right for type 2 diabetics.

Low-Fat Diet for Diabetics

The possibility for a diet rich in cholesterol, saturated fats, sodium, and trans fats to bring on heart disease and stroke is greater. Fish with its omega-3 fatty acid is much better than meat which contains lots of fat even when it is lean. However, not all fats are bad, as polysaturated and monosaturated fats do assist to reduce cholesterol.

  • Eat: nuts, avocado, olive oil, and  cold water fish (herring, mackerel, salmon).
  • Avoid: bacon, red meat, processed foods, and other fat-rich dairy products such as margarine.

Fruits and Vegetables

It is necessary and important to have carbohydrates, sugars, and fats in the right portions in the diet of a diabetic. While there are bad carbohydrates such as those which are processed as well as refined, there are also good carbohydrates found in whole grains and roots which provide beneficial fiber.

  •  Eat : Beans, peas, low-fat dairy products, nuts, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and fresh low-sugar fruits such as grapefruit, cherries, cantaloupes, pears, blackberries, cranberries,  blueberries, and raspberries.
  • Avoid: Fruits with high sugar content such as grapes, oranges, apricots, pineapple,raisins, and watermelon

Starches for Diabetics

Besides sugars, starches are also changed into blood sugar by your body. These starches is an energy source which also contains vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Starches in whole grains are the best as they are nutritious and are changed into glucose very slowly, resulting in no sudden rise in blood glucose. A minimum of one serving of whole grain starches for each meal has been recommended by the NDIC(National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse).

  • Eat: whole grain options for tortillas, crackers, cereal, pasta, and bread.
  • Avoid: candy bars, packaged snack, and potato chips.

When to Eat

In order to avoid too much of an increase in blood glucose diabetes take smaller quantities of food at regular intervals the whole day. However, diabetics must remember that more carbohydrates and sugars are used up while exercising and so, they need to consume food before and after exercising.

Some of the things that have to be taken into consideration in your diet are age, height, weight and the type of exercise. Testing and recording before and after each meal to know how certain foods can easily raise your blood sugar levels is necessary for the planning of your own diabetes diet with the assistance of either your doctor or your dietitian.

Losing Unnecessary Weight

Losing some unnecessary weight not only improve your looks, it also brings down your blood glucose levels, reduce cholesterol and helps your blood pressure.

To reduce weight and manage your blood sugar levels, you need both consistent exercise and meals consisting of plenty of whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.

So, discuss with your doctor exercises suitable for you as well as other ways which can lead to better health.

More Diabetes Information

Keeping blood sugar levels at the safe range can sometimes be a challenge to a type 2 diabetic. However, managing type 2 diabetes can be easier if you follow a schedule and eat foods that are suitable for you. When it comes to packaged food, read their labels to know the amount of sodium, carbohydrate, and sugar levels and choose those that are right for your diet.

Your doctor, a nutritionist, and a dietitian are essential people in your diabetes management. It is necessary to have a record of your blood sugar levels to see their response to your food or to the dose of insulin if you need insulin medication. With the help of your records, you will come to understand your own body’€™s response to the various types of foods, in different situations and times.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***