Treating Type 1 Diabetes.



Managing Type 1 Diabetes : All you need to know

Treating type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with a cure as there is none at present. The treatment is a constant watch over blood sugar levels to have the condition under control. As such, instead of “€œtreatment€, medical professionals prefer to use the word “management” as it gives the picture of constant every day care by the person involved. Although the treatment is considered inactive as the diabetic merely does what is instructed when it comes to type 1 diabetes, the word “€œmanagement€ is preferred as it is hoped that the diabetic would take a more active role in his condition.

Short Term and Long Term Management

The immediate aim of management after a diagnosis of diabetes is to lower the exceedingly high levels of blood sugar to as normal a range as possible. Since the initial symptoms are usually unexpected and serious, there are people who need to be hospitalized to have their levels of blood sugar managed.

When the levels of blood sugar have reached an accepted range, the continuous life-long everyday management of diabetes begins in order to lessen the possibility of complications linked to the condition. These complications can involve the eyes, nerves, cardiovascular system as well as the kidneys.


Living with Type 1 diabetes -Video Guide


All type 1 diabetics must realize the importance of four management factors which are:

1.Insulin Therapy.

When insulin helps blood sugar to be absorbed into the cells so that it can be converted to energy, blood sugar is decreased. Since the pancreas of type 1 diabetics is unable to release insulin, insulin from an external source has to be sent in each day with a syringe or an insulin pump.

There are various types of insulin to choose from; the choice can be from short-acting to long-acting which can also be combined should your medical practitioner think it can help you gain improved control over your levels of blood sugar. Certainly, the type of insulin suitable for your condition will be prescribed by your medical practitioner.

There have been researches looking for easier methods of conveying insulin including inhaling it or taking pills. Unfortunately, to this day, there is no way type 1 diabetes can avoid using injections to take insulin.

2. Meal Planning

Planning suitable meals is essential to successful type 1 diabetes management. You need a meal plan so that the insulin injected into your body can be sufficient for the food you consume. Thus, when the consumed food raises the level of your blood sugar, there is enough insulin to lower it. Any one of them must not be too much or too little for the other. You can consume anything if the amount of calories does not exceed that of your meal plan.

A meal plan specially planned for you by a dietitian is the right path to blood sugar management. He will take into consideration what you need to remain healthy, you way of living, and the foods you prefer when planning your meals.

3. Exercise

Exercise, like insulin, lessens the quantity of blood sugar. It cannot replace insulin; it is just another desirable method to assist in lessening your blood sugar.

Regular exercise also assists you to get to the right weight for your height. With this right weight, your own body will be more effective in using the insulin injected into your body. However, whenever you wish to begin an exercise program, discuss it with your doctor. As a type 1 diabetic, you must check your blood sugar level before, during as well as after an activity to avoid the levels of your blood sugar suddenly becoming too low.( see Exercise Prescription For Diabetes)

4. Monitoring Blood Sugar

There is no way you can be certain of the level of your blood sugar but to check it. Checking on a regular basis can have you aware of the low and high levels before complications can arise. It also assists you to evaluate your capability in carrying out your insulin therapy, exercise and meal planning well for diabetes management. The test results will be necessary to assist your medical practitioner to decide on any necessary changes to your diabetes plan.

Today, you find small, easy-to-carry around monitoring gadgets for quick testing of blood sugar levels with only a little blood. These gadgets even enable the sending of your results to a computer to create graphic  details of the results so that problem areas are easily seen.

Such blood glucose monitors for treating type 1 diabetes can be bought from a pharmacy in your town or city. You can even get a monitor and some test strips free if you approach your healthcare professionals as there are manufacturers of these monitors who give some to the healthcare professionals with the hope that these will be given to some patients. Failing that, you can contact the manufacturer of the monitor. When purchasing from a pharmacy, ask for a reduction in price. Before buying a monitor, find out whether your insurance does cover the total cost of that particular blood glucose monitor as well as its strips.( see Blood Glucose Monitoring)

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***