Signs and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance You Should NOT Overlook



Insulin Resistance Causes

Insulin resistance occurs when the body‒s cells no longer respond to insulin which is a hormone essential to the transport of glucose in the bloodstream to all the cells in the body so that such glucose is converted to energy that is necessary to life of the cells and the body. This hormone, insulin, is produced by the pancreas to ensure blood glucose is kept at a normal range. So, if the cells of the body are resistant to insulin, such regulation of blood glucose is not possible. When that happens, blood glucose stays in the bloodstream unable to be absorbed into the cells, resulting in too high a level of glucose leading to the condition known as Type 2 diabetes. Sometimes, people with diabetes try to reduce their glucose level in the bloodstream by either fasting or eating too little. However, this method of controlling blood sugar is dangerous as it brings about low blood glucose or hypoglycemia which can result in coma. An Insulin resistance is often indicated by a number of symptoms and also signs. However, there are cases where symptoms are not obvious and those having insulin resistance do not realize its presence. So, it is the doctor who should be consulted as he is professionally capable of diagnosing insulin resistance and other problems related to it.

Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome

Insulin resistance is merely one of a number of symptoms for Metabolic Syndrome. The other symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome are overweight, heart diseases such as high blood pressure and problems with triglycerides, and the body’€™s inability to cope with too much carbohydrate. All these symptoms point the doctor toward the oncoming dreaded Type 2 or Adult Onset Diabetes.

Insulin Resistance Symptoms

As mentioned earlier, signs and symptoms of insulin resistance can escape detection as they are hardly noticeable by the person experiencing them. One of the symptoms is sleepiness after consuming a meal, more so if one third of the meal comprises of carbohydrates. Strong changes in moods or even more hunger can result from consuming lots of sweet and carbohydrate foods are other possible symptoms. Having cholesterol and high triglycerides levels also symptoms. Other symptoms of insulin resistance that can be easily observed are obesity with most of the fat in the stomach region, patches of a darker shade at the neck as well as armpit region.


Symptoms of Insulin Resistance – Video Guide



Although insulin resistance cannot be called diabetes, it is certainly a symptom that something is wrong with the cells€’ response to insulin, as a result of which blood glucose cannot enter the cells. Although insulin resistance and diabetes are two different conditions, diagnosis of insulin resistance is derived at together with diabetes. However, like diabetes, a patient may suffer from insulin resistance for some time before a diagnosis is made due to the fact that symptoms are not present. In diabetes too, diagnosis of diabetes is only made through laboratory tests and bodily examinations as many cases exhibit hardly any symptoms.

Warning Signs

The signs and symptoms of insulin resistance are so similar to other dreaded diseases such as diabetes, and heart conditions. Symptoms such as tiredness, changes in mood, darker skin patches and sudden unexplained hunger are common among a few serious diseases. Since, a qualified doctor is the person to diagnose insulin resistance, people who thinks they have the condition ought to consult their doctor and go through a medical checkup.


Fortunately, lifestyle changes can improve the signs and symptoms of insulin resistance. Although not everybody get the desired results from lifestyle changes, many have benefitted with reduction of fat in their meals, regular exercise and weight loss.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***