Gestational Diabetes – Getting ready for your appointment.



Most of the time, after a routine screening test made during the early stage of your pregnancy, you discover that you face the problem of gestational diabetes. Should your blood glucose level be found to be high, you will most probably be asked to go and see the doctor at once. Regular prenatal visits to your doctor will be more often to check on developments during your pregnancy.

Since you may be allotted very little time during your appointments and there is so much to find out, it is advisable to be prepared for the appointment. Below are some tips on getting ready for the appointment and knowing what your doctor may want to find out.

What is needed of you?

  • Record all important personal information, together with whatever changes to your life and great stresses experienced.
  • Find out if there are restrictions before any appointment. Ask when you are making an appointment whether you have to fast before a blood test or whatever preparations which have to be made before any diagnostic tests.
  • Record whatever symptoms you have been experiencing, even those which may appear to be not connected to gestational diabetes. Even though gestational diabetes does not give out any external symptoms, it is advisable to record anything not normally experienced by you.
  • Write down all the medications you are taking, together with supplements or vitamins and any over-the-counter medicines.
  • Take someone along, if you can. At an appointment with the doctor, you may not remember all the information given to you. That someone whom you take along may help to remember something that you may have forgotten or missed.


Diabetes and Pregnancy – Video Guide


Questions for your doctor

Since there is a limit to the time your doctor can spend with you, it is advisable to be prepared with questions that need to be answered. Put the more important questions at the top of your list so that they get answered even when time may not be sufficient to have all attended to. Below are necessary questions you can ask:

  • What steps do I need to take to have my condition under control?
  • Can you refer me to a diabetes educator or a dietitian who is able to assist me with coping strategies, exercises and a diet that is suitable for me? Is this covered by my insurance?
  • How do I know whether medication will be necessary to have my blood glucose under control?
  • What are the warning signs that indicate a need to have an appointment with a doctor?
  • Can you provide me with printed information that I may take home? Is there any website you can recommend?

Other than questions such as the above, you must be prepared to ask of explanations on anything not understood.

What your doctor may want to know about you?

It is probable that your doctor may have questions to ask about you, more so if this is the first appointment. Since time is always limited, it is advisable to be prepared to respond well to your doctor’s questions. Your doctor may want to know:

  • Whether you have had too much urination or felt more thirty than usual, when such symptoms begin and the frequency of these happening.
  • If you have had any symptoms that are unusual.
  • Whether you have a sibling or parent who has diabetes.
  • Whether this is your first pregnancy. If not, whether gestational diabetes was experienced during earlier pregnancies.
  • Whether any of your children was a big baby at delivery.
  • Whether you have had a drastic change in weight throughout your life.

What you have to do?

Once you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you must immediately decide to make healthy choices to get your condition under control. Make as early an appointment as possible if your doctor advises more evaluation. Quick action on this is important to your baby and you. Follow strictly the recommendations of your doctor so as to ensure your health. Learn every you can about gestational diabetes, exercise and consume nutritious foods.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***