Diabetes Journal €“ Why You Need One!



Diabetes Logbook

A diabetic is encouraged by the diabetes health care team to have a diabetes journal as the records you make can help to understand your body’€™s reactions to various types of food, exercises or physical activities and medications. From this you understand that having records in your journal is the right thing to do if you suffer from any type of diabetes.

The journal will assist your doctor know how well you have been managing your diabetes and decide on the need for diet or medication changes.

What do I write in my diabetic journal?

Your journal ought to have records of all blood glucose level results, everything you eat each day, the types of exercises you do each day as well as you feel and that also covers your moods, writing down when they are high or low.

In your journal, just make sure that your records are accurate. Write as you normally do or as if you are corresponding with a friend. In your journal, write down what food has been consumed, the amount eaten, as well as the calorie and carbohydrate count for every food eaten.

Write down how you feel after every meal, indicating if they are highs or lows. It is necessary for you to write below the medication heading the medicine’s name, the dosage, the time it was taken as well as any side-effects experienced.

You must remember to be accurate in noting down the exact time you have your blood glucose tested (pre- and post-meals) as well as the results; this being a very good indication of the effect all types of food eaten have on your levels of blood sugar.

Diabetes Records & Blood Sugar Logs -Video Guide

Having a diabetes journal can make it easier for you to have control over diabetes since it is a disease which can be managed. This journal is also useful in helping you with any plan you may have of reducing your weight.

With your diabetes journal, it will be easier to keep track of your appointments with your doctor. It can also be helpful in showing your doctor as well as you what possible health problems you can be heading to.

To understand whether a particular food is the cause of a problem, or if you are taking medicine or insulin at the right time, and the effect such medicine or insulin has on your mind, is possible with the records in the journal. With this understanding, the doctor can decide whether to change your meal plan, the quantity of insulin to inject, and the best time for you to have it.

Keeping a journal is similar to keeping a diary, writing down what had happened during the day, the people you befriended and the food you tasted. A diary is to remember all that you have experienced and now, with a diabetes journal, it becomes a tool to help you manage your sickness so that you can be physically and mentally well.

So, your diabetes journal is more than just a diary; it is an important record to assist you to remain healthy.


*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***