Blood Glucose Monitoring.



Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels

Due to the fact that diabetes is a problem with blood glucose levels leading to many complications, it is essential to be consistently aware of your blood sugar levels. As such, a €”Blood Glucose Monitoring “€œ is the most important part in the management of diabetes.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Guides Your Diabetes Care Plan

Knowing the test results of your blood glucose gives you an insight into your body’€™s response towards different types of food, physical activities as well as medications prescribed by your doctor. With the knowledge, you can certainly control your diet and exercise better. In fact, from the information gleaned from monitoring your blood glucose levels, both you and your health care provider ought to be able to:

  1. Know the movement of your glucose levels.
  2. Know the things that cause your blood glucose levels to rise or fall.
  3. Know the effects of food, activity, and medications on your blood glucose levels.
  4. Know the changes which have to be made to improve the treatment.
  5. Know what has to be don at times of sickness.
  6. Be sure whatever you may be feeling is due to whichever blood glucose levels or it could be something not connected to blood sugar levels.


Blood Glucose Monitoring -Video Guide


Six Steps to Proper Monitoring

  1. Remember your own blood glucose target.
  2. Know how to monitor your blood glucose.
  3. Know the time when blood glucose levels need to be checked.
  4. Know the movement of your blood sugar levels.
  5. Know what can cause your blood sugar levels to change.
  6. Know what has to be done to have your blood sugar levels back to their target range.

When to Test Your Blood Glucose

Find out from your doctor the frequency needed to monitor your blood sugar. It is not the same for everyone, some have to monitor many times each day while others do not have to monitor as many times in a week.

To know how effective your treatment is, you can check at various times throughout the day.

Usually, you should check before meals and just before sleeping. Then, you can check an hour or two after meals to know the impact of the food you take on your blood sugar levels.

There are occasions when blood glucose checks should be carried out more frequently, Such times are:

  • During an illness or facing some kind of stress.
  • When you have reasons to believe that your blood sugar is either too high or too low.
  • Whenever changes are made regarding medication dosage, diet plan or exercises in your treatment.
  • Whenever new medications are prescribed.
  • During pregnancy.
*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***